So, as you read in the previous post, Miss Lois had told me to take as much of the hot sauce as I thought I could handle… But you know, I didn’t really know what that was and I couldn’t really control how much would be on the q-tip when dipping it in so… This amount worked, I guess?

Miss Lois: “Be careful with the sauce. You have tried it earlier so you know.”
I mean… I guess I knew but I was also very naive and just not really there with my brain? All I knew is that I wanted to please her and that probably meant using more sauce rather than less.
Me: “Is it okay if I just stroke the clit with one side of the q-tip instead of using it all? (right away)”
Miss Lois: “Yes.”
I took a 5-second video of my clit, which really wasn’t that interesting so she told me to show her my face.
I applied the sauce at 40 minutes past 12 o’clock at night. I showed her a video of my face… This screenshot is one of my many faces of pain I made that night, and if you want to see the other pictures in this series, you can find them on my OnlyFans.
00:41:02 AM:
Me: “Can I wash it off please?”
I stared at my phone. Answer. Please answer. Answer, please!! I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t cope. I had to… I had to do something! So I ran to the toilet in a bath towel and aggressively closed the door.
AM: Miss Lois: “Yes, but be careful with water. That might just distribute it.”
I think I had already jumped into the showed by this point but the water wasn’t helping. Instead, I then started pushing my vagina against the cold tile floor. I wasn’t coping. I hadn’t waited for her to tell me that I was allowed to try and wash it off. I was freaking out. I had completely lost it.
00:44:23: Me: “I can’t cope”
00:44:58: Miss Lois: “Try to gently rub it off with a towel.”
00:45:05: Me: “Soya milk?”
00:45:23: Miss Lois: “Yes, fat is good.”
00:45:36: Me: “Do I pour it on it?”
00:45:54: Miss Lois: “No, put it on a towel first and then drip some over it. You don’t want to distribute it. Before you start I want to see your face again on video. I love to see you struggle.”
[more faces of me being in pain]
(It was really good that she was ordering me to show her my face again because this helped normalise the situation in my head. Her telling me that she loved to see me struggle had the same effect, or both these things were eventually about to have the effect of bringing me back down to earth rather than being in panic mode.)
The soya milk didn’t really help. It gave me a second of relief and then the burning intensified.
Miss Lois: “This suffering is for me. You picked the amount because you wanted to be a good girl and you are. You suffer for my pleasure. You are doing very well.”
(Again, her saying that had started the process of bringing me back to earth and to what we were doing here.)
Me: “Yes Miss. Please don’t leave until it has calmed down a little Miss.”
Miss Lois: “I won’t.”
(That calmed me down a little bit more. As long as she was here with me it would be okay.)
Me: “Thank you, Miss.”
Miss Lois: “I am enjoying this. Because this pain is out of your hand. Like when someone beats you and you cannot escape.”
(So for reference, I always mentioned that I really liked the idea and wanted to experience being beaten without being able to stop it, and it going on until I would crawl up into the corner into a ball, and then still it wouldn’t stop.)
Me: “I’m pretty sure it has spread a lot too by now Miss.”
Miss Lois: “This is similar.
The milk might have distributed it. Try to use toilet paper to soak it up.”
Me: “It’s burning like how it was at the start after trying that Miss.”
She told me to make another video – that she was happy to see more, haha. My battery was slowly heading towards 0 though, so I suggested that I should go back to my room, but before doing so I made one more video in the bathroom.
Me: “I think it must have touched the ball gag or something because it’s burning slightly on my tongue now too.”
Miss Lois: “Better wash your hands really well. Do not touch your face or eyes even after washing your hands. That is why I told you to use the q-tip.”
I guess in hindsight it was a little bit dangerous and unprepared, what we were doing. If you are reading this, do not try at home! lol. Okay, I shouldn’t be laughing about this, but I also… I guess this is just the choice I’ve made in my life and maybe that’s reckless… I don’t know, but I’m happier for it.
Me: “I used the q-tip but the feeling… I kinda just ran naked to the bathroom and tried to get it off and idk what happened.”
Miss Lois: “You look gorgeous when you are in such pain.”
(…. aaah…. don’t say that… I mean yes, please do say that… but aah…)
Me: “Haha, thank you, Miss. Can I put my other ball gag in instead?”
Miss Lois: “You can leave the ball gag out. I don’t need it now.”
Me: “Also it feels like this will never end. Maybe at 6 O’clock, it will calm down.”
Miss Lois: “You are occupied with other things. What are you?”
Me: “A slave Miss. In a lot of pain.”
Miss Lois: “And how does a slave derive its happiness and purpose?
Me: “By being useful to its Mistress, which at the moment comes from suffering? Miss.”
I had then made it back to my room and moving had regenerated the pain.
Miss Lois: “Show me another video. And suffering for your Mistress gives you purpose and will give you happiness after. You were always dreaming of a situation of pain where you can’t escape. This is a first idea of what it can be like. Another step in your development. And another great opportunity to prove yourself and your value.”
By this point, I was kind of laughing about my suffering in an insane sort of way. It felt like the only way I could cope with the pain. I told her that I was making jokes in my head about myself.
[Insert faces of insane laughter and some more pain]
Miss Lois: “And what are the jokes now? I want you to think about the next question before you answer. Do you feel happy right now?”
Me: “Would you believe it if I said my mind went completely blank trying to answer that question, Miss?”
Miss Lois: “Keep thinking about it. Let it in, don’t be afraid.”
Me: “Yes Miss. I feel happy. I feel alive.”
Miss Lois: “Did you just realise that now?”
Me: “I mean, I guess I was obvious because I can see myself smile, Miss, but I guess I didn’t think it through.”
She told me to show her another video.
Me: “The feeling has gone down quite a bit now but I suspect that if I move or pee it might change…”
Miss Lois: “Or if you touch your clit.”
(Don’t say that!! Don’t make me do that please?)
Me: “Yes… or touch my clit, Miss.”
Miss Lois: “I want you to masturbate.”
Me: “Haha okay Miss.” (This is clearly an insanity response.)
Miss Lois: “And I want to see your face when you get close to squirting.”
Me: “Yes Miss. What if I don’t end up squirting?”
Miss Lois: “Don’t worry, that is ok. I want you to try and if it doesn’t work that is ok.”
Her reassurance really helped me. She then asked me how my clit felt.
Me: “Like sandpaper and its starting to burn like as if it were close to the sun, Miss.”
Miss Lois: “Excellent. I want you to go for it.”
(Yes……. so excellent….)
Me: “Yes Miss.”
Miss Lois: “I think you agree that this is how it should be.”
Me: “Yes Miss.”
Miss Lois: “At the start you got scared and you were worried that you couldn’t cope. But once you learned that you could, and once you accepted the pain it freed you.”
[Insert more faces of pain]
I only managed to squirt a tiny little bit. Afterwards, it felt really painful and I wasn’t sure how to describe it properly. It was kind of like as if someone was kicking really hard except it was burning so maybe it was more like as if someone were pushing a torch against my clit, then took it away and then pushed it back against it in different places.
Miss Lois: “Do you like it?”
Me: “I like that you like it, Miss. I would probably say ‘please don’t Miss’ a dozen of times if you were to apply the hot sauce to me, but if you said ‘Do it for me’ I’d shut up and take it.
I don’t think there has been anything else that we’ve done so far where I would beg you not to do this to me.”
Miss Lois: “It is an excellent opportunity to prove yourself, don’t you agree?”
Me: “Yes Miss. But as I say that, the crowd in my head is like: No- Don’t- No, this is not- What the fuck are you doing?”
Miss Lois: “And what the fuck are you doing?”
Me: “Selling my soul? Haha, no, erm, I’m being a good slave and serving you and hopefully making you proud?”
Miss Lois: “Detach it from me. What are you doing for yourself? For your development? For your happiness?”
I had to think about this for a little while. I answered that I was being useful, which meant that I had a purpose, which appeared to make me feel happy and more at ease and almost peaceful. I felt like this helped me be able to almost relax and let go, which in my eyes meant that I was getting closer to being a functioning human being and a slave.
She asked me if that was what I felt at the moment, which I did. I was so close to feeling relaxed. (Side note, I am incapable of relaxing my body. I cannot even if I am asleep.)
Me: “The way I feel right now feels like a miracle.”
Miss Lois: “Like you have paid your dues. Like you have nothing more to give and can, therefore, be at peace. And you are correct to feel that. You deserve to be free from your squirt task. You have proven yourself today.”
Me: “You mean at night, for more than just tonight, Miss?”
Miss Lois: “Yes, that task has now ended.”
(Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!)
Miss Lois: “If I tell you now that tomorrow or in the next few days a craving will develop to do it again. Do you believe me?”
(No… That’s mad. Never again, please. Can I have hard limits because this would become one… I think. Would it?)
Miss Lois: “Just think about how much more at peace you feel right now.”
It’s funny in an ironic way how apparently I have to suffer significantly in order to even feel close to feeling peaceful. But at that moment, I really did feel at peace, a feeling so unfamiliar and special to me that I felt happier than I had felt in…
Miss Lois: “It feels good, doesn’t it?”
It felt good but it also felt different from good in that it surpassed the normal feeling. It was feeling like much more than that. I once wrote a story in which the protagonist hates life and disagrees with the idea of existing because it wasn’t his choice to be alive, and at the end of the story he enters a white room with absolutely nothing and he stops being human. He just is in the nothingness and that was my imagined ideal of how I imagined being able to feel at peace.
Miss Lois: “Have you ever felt like this before?”
I could only remember the last time that I felt like this, even though I knew it must have been here before. But the fleeting moment I remember feeling this was during a night out at university. It was around 3 or 4 AM, and I was sitting down on a sofa with my friend, a girl, who I had shared some feelings with but which had never gone anywhere. I leaned against her and she started stroking my hair for less than a minute. I felt peaceful then, for less than a minute but it was so precious.
I also remembered feeling this feeling while spending time with another friend of mine (with whom I hadn’t scared any romantic feelings)
Miss Lois: “And you dream about these moments. And they never knew what they were doing. I know what I can do and it lasts.”
I sent her a picture of my face, which to this day is, I believe, the happiest and content and the most peaceful picture I have seen of myself and thinking back to this day makes me feel warm inside.
However, I have a deep deep deep hate for the hot sauce. Unfortunately, Miss Lois seemed to love the sauce very much. And so this night wasn’t the last time I had to use it…
Xx MLSlavePuppet
If, after reading this, you still have the desire to try out this sauce, you can buy it here.
Other posts in this series:
Part 1: Stylish shoelaces and planned outfits
Part 2: Squirting through a speculum
Pingback: Part 2: Squirting through a Speculum – MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: Part 1: Stylish shoelaces and planned outfits – MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: My Mental Illness: depression and dissociation and their relationship with my slave identity and kinky lifestyle – MLSlavePuppet
I think I’ll pass on the sauce!! Thanks
Hahaha! good choice
I’ll pass too, lol.
When I was about 15 I rubbed my eyes with my hand with which I had handled some fresh ultra hot chilli peppers (and washed my hands!) a few hours before that (my mom grew them). It was… horrible doesn’t describe it well enough, it burnt for hours and nothing really helped. My mom wanted to take me to the emergency room.
On the scale 1-10, how would you grade ginger, tiger balm and this hot sauce?
And was Miss Lois right, did you crave to do it again? My guess is you didn’t do it again.
Interesting read. My ex-Dominant made me shove a whole bottle of hot sauce up my snatch for a photo he wanted but it wasn’t open. Then again, I was his sub not his slave.
At some point he had choked me out while I was washing dishes in the kitchen. Later that night I snuck up on his ass and choked him out from behind. I whispered to him in his ear that if he ever did that again I’d end him.
I kinda realized I had more an Alpha female than a submissive nature. Maybe I couldn’t be a sub. I truly liked usurping his power. The thrill of the chase is really what wet my whistle. Because he was a true sexual sadist, he seemed to enjoy my feisty nature…. for awhile. Lol
Thanks for sharing
Hi! I’m sorry, I think I must have missed the notification of your comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave one!
A whole bottle of hot sauce up there sounds horrific?? Maybe a good thing it wasn’t open.
It’s interesting how you weren’t the typical submissive by kinda fighting back haha. Do you still identify as a submissive now or are you more of a dominant yourself?
Pingback: Mindset: From ‘Innocent’ Girl to Obedient Slave – MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: Trying to orgasm with clamps on my labia until I cried – MLSlavePuppet
Always a topic that intrigued me, but never got very far.
Maybe one day, who knows!
Pingback: Spicing Things Up – MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: My Mental Illness: depression and dissociation and their relationship with my slave identity and kinky lifestyle - MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: And then my best friend got in contact with Miss Lois - MLSlavePuppet
Pingback: Part 2: Squirting through a Speculum - MLSlavePuppet - BDSM Task
Pingback: Fun Gift and a Burning Vagina - MLSlavePuppet - Slave Journey
Pingback: Learning how to walk in heels - MLSlavePuppet - Slave Training
Pingback: Part 1: Stylish shoelaces and planned outfits - MLSlavePuppet