Becoming Mistress’ Christmas Tree

Content warning: needle play. Two years ago, I published a blog post on this site about dreading the holidays. This year, I am relieved to say I am feeling rather different. I am spending Christmas in the UK with my friends at the manor, just like last year. Whereas last year, The Baron and Bella invited me since circumstances were so strange (lockdown) (of course Continue Reading →

Becoming Mistress Roxy’s Birthday Cake

In the lead up to Mistress’ birthday, she mentioned that she had always wanted to put birthday candles on her human slave. I didn’t understand how it would work, as I couldn’t envision the candles staying upright. And so she explained that we’d use needles of course, and that I was going to be her human birthday cake. The thought filled me with joy because she Continue Reading →

Mistress pieced my nipple

After Roxy and I played with needles for the first time she said: “Maybe we can pierce your nipple next time?” It was partly a question and partly a statement.  “Y-yes,” I believe I said, a little taken by surprise. As the idea further dawned on me I became more excited. I had thought of nipple piercings many times before but getting them done by Continue Reading →

Needles and Spanks

Previous Post | Next Post Content warning: Mention of blood and needles. (Pictures will be hidden, however. You can choose whether you want to see them.) After getting rather bruised from shooting a cp video on a Friday a little while ago, I sent Roxy a picture. She didn’t reply that day but when we next spoke on the phone she said seeing it had Continue Reading →

Wednesday Nipples

Tuesday Rope | Thursday Belly Button Content warning: Needles “I would very much appreciate an artistic photo of a body part: Wednesday nipples.” For these pictures, I thought of using nipple clamps but it seemed a bit cliche to use nipple clamps for nipples. I don’t know why as they’re literally just designed for nipples, but hey; It didn’t feel creative enough and a bit Continue Reading →

Task 14: A Circle of Needles

Previous Task | Next Task “Create a circle or a heart around your belly button. Spend some time researching different designs on FetLife and then put it to the test. Once your needle art is complete use your wand and make a nice squirt puddle.” Recently, Roxy asked me to buy some ‘proper needles’ to get used to them for something she hopes to do Continue Reading →

Task 3: Shaping a Sun

Previous task | Next task “Use some needles; 4 of them to be precise in a place of your choosing.” When I get a task, I don’t want to just do it and get it over with. If possible, I like to do something special or creative with it, though I’m not always sure how. Four needles, for instance, left me wondering what I could Continue Reading →