Starting Slave Training as Whisper the Pony Girl

As I stood naked in the room with my legs strapped and my wrists tied to my elbows, my mind fought with the thought of looking at her as she walked towards me. Am I allowed to give in now? Do I look pretty enough? What if I turn out to be hugely disappointing to her? I stole a glance at her. Did she smile? Continue Reading →

Surprise dildo show

A few weeks ago, I knew Mistress would briefly pop by on her way home so I made sure to shower and clean the dishes. I had no idea when she was coming, so I thought I might as well do the vaginal training early (by which I mean 3 pm, as opposed to 10 pm). I put a towel down, set up my phone Continue Reading →

Daily Vaginal Training Task

About two weeks ago, I started a daily vaginal training task that Mistress has given me. As you all know, I don’t like vaginal penetration and tend to avoid it if I can. Insertion generally hurts me, no matter how small the object. I would never even use tampons for example and I think it’s save to say I probably have vaginismus. Mistress likes things Continue Reading →

Put on a Diet

At one point during our dynamic, Lois said she wanted me to start eating healthy and lose some weight. I thought this had been coming for a while but I was still a little surprised when she said it, as well as worried. What if I wouldn’t be able to do this? I mean, that’s my usual worry in regards to any task, right? But Continue Reading →

Smelling my Friend’s Worn Sock

Previous Post | Next Post About a year ago now, two of my Dutch friends were visiting me in Scotland. We’d done some sightseeing the days before but were just chilling in the living room today. They were looking into booking a trip to the highlands but I wasn’t going because I didn’t have the money. So as they were using my laptop I was Continue Reading →

Don’t you want to be my Owner?

Previous Post | Next post I was playing a rugby 7s tournament this day with the universities rugby team. I love rugby 7s because it’s so fast-paced and I’m fast and love to score those try’s as people fall over trying to tackle me. It’s a great feeling! (Rugby 7 matches only last 15 minutes and take place on a full football pitch with 7 Continue Reading →

Deserving to call her Mistress

Previous Post | Next Post As you know, I’ve always referred to Lois as Miss Lois because that’s what she told me to address her as – that is, for the first half of my training. At some point, this changed and I was allowed to address her as Mistress Lois. The title was something she thought should be earned and eventually I did. Let’s Continue Reading →

Stapling my Vagina Shut

Buy a video of me stapling my vagina here | Buy a video of Mistress Stapling my vagina shut here This idea wasn’t entirely fabricated by my mind alone. I mean, of course, it wasn’t. But it’s also not like I, myself, personally stumbled upon this idea or saw a porn video. I had no idea people did this. When I found out, I thought it Continue Reading →

Licking Wasabi off My Stilettos

Previous Post | Next Post (I’m currently relying on scheduled posts because of work and uni and football and planning classes and… I expect to be less busy on the weekend and will catch up with blog things! Am certainly excited to relax and read some sex-related posts and see some Feb-fest pictures, hehe. In the meantime, thank you for all your kind comments. I Continue Reading →

Trying to orgasm with clamps on my labia until I cried

Previous Post | Next Post In the morning of this particular day, Miss Lois had been briefly online and asked if I had a busy day today. She said that she had to go but that she might say hello later on if her day wouldn’t be too crazy. Three hours later she came back online and pointed out that I’d seemed to be rather Continue Reading →

I Don’t Want to Win

Previous Post | Next Post Following up on my anticipating my first caning post, I want to go a little bit deeper into my ‘I don’t want to win’ statement by going back to the time I spent with Miss Lois. As happened quite often… (more often than I thought, looking back) I was having a few depressive days again. These would often end up Continue Reading →

From ‘Innocent’ Girl to Obedient Slave

Mindset is an interesting thing. It is possible to talk about different kind of mindsets; mindset can mean whether or not you’re in the mood for sex, and mindset can mean your attitude. While it is called mind’set,’ a mindset is anything but set and can be changed as long as one is open to change and the mindset can be changed, for example, in Continue Reading →

Part 1: A shared chat with Miss Lois and my best friend

Miss Lois, my best friend and I entered a chat group with just the three of us. She told him that he wasn’t allowed to speak in here unless directly asked to, and that he wasn’t allowed to touch himself at any point, but that if he did without touching himself, it would be a massive compliment to me! Continue Reading →

A Chore made a Task

Previous Post | Next Post A chore made a task… Miss Lois sure knows how to do that. I complained to her how I had to call a call centre to fix a certain problem I had with ordering some pair of shoes that Miss Lois had told me to get. I had to call as they didn’t have an online chat help centre (yet?) Continue Reading →

Embarrassing positions

She then told me to take a picture of myself in the most humiliating position that I could think off… which… I hate this. Having to come up with positions myself because I’m not sure what’s embarrassing exactly because I don’t always feel certain positions as embarrassing. Additionally having to think of one myself makes me worry because what if it’s not good enough? Continue Reading →

Part 2: Squirting through a Speculum

She told me to replace the butt plug in my vagina with the speculum. It didn’t really want to go in… It wasn’t necessarily that much bigger but it was shaped differently? And the small tip of the butt plug helped with pushing it in. But I managed to push it in by forcing it in despite the pain. Continue Reading →

Part 1: Stylish shoelaces and planned outfits

I guess you’re wondering what this has to do with kink but one of the things Miss Lois told me to order at some point were specific shoelaces, which partly excited me and partly caused me to feel anxious because oh my god, another exterior change for the public to see! Continue Reading →

Compliments and Attention are Good

Halfway through my training, Miss Lois also started making a point of how compliments are positive. I suppose I struggled to accept compliments because I never felt like I was good enough or doing good enough. It can always be better, right? I also didn’t like attention and receiving a compliment felt like receiving attention. Continue Reading →

Training: Vaginal Insertion

Miss Lois: “Insert one index finger in your vagina, completely to the knuckle. Then show me a picture. Then insert the marker at least halfway into the vagina (you can take your finger out if you want). Take a picture again. You’re only allowed to take the pads out after you’ve taken the second picture.” Continue Reading →

Task: Write about torture for 10 minutes straight

I was at a friend’s house when Miss Lois messaged me. We were just chilling and sort of doing our own things, so it wasn’t too difficult to reply to Miss Lois. She was suddenly very interested in my type (which my friend also always are but I don’t really think I have a type?) (Apart from my type being women, lmao.) (And dominant, haha.) Continue Reading →

Learning how to walk in stilettos

One of the things that had a lot of importance from the start of our dynamic were heels. Naturally, I never wore them, used them or really owned many. I guess you’d have a field day if you enjoy training someone. How many women don’t know how to walk in heels? lol. Continue Reading →