Task 10: Dripping Wet

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“This task involves some rope, your wand and pegs. You will tie your feet together, be on your knees, put pegs on your labia and sit on your wand.”

Task 10: Dripping Wet

Task 10: Dripping Wet

A video of the middle picture all the way up until reaching the very nice orgasm on Onlyfans here, as well as more pictures here.

I kind of improvised tying my legs and chose my favourite coloured rope, of course. I’ve never put pegs on my labia (I have put clamps there – not advised lol) so I was partly dreading it and partly hoping it would be fine as pegs are much better than clamps. I was indeed pleasantly surprised that it hurt but not to the extent that I felt like I was struggling to cope. If I had, I’m sure I would have never been able to orgasm.

With the pegs on and my legs tied, I moved to the position on my knees except it turns out it is really difficult to sit on your knees when your feet are tied together! Even more so when you need to put a wand on your clit with pegs on every inch of your labia. I kept wriggling and readjusting. It was a struggle.

I thought sitting down on the wand was kind of clever though. It doesn’t show in the above picture because I eventually had to move my wand to reach the right spot, but because of my position, my weight kept the wand in place, while having it pushed against me also intensified the pain from the pegs. I can only conclude I must have been very aroused because oh my god, squirt just started dripping and coming out as if you’d turned open a tap. It felt like it was a dirty little secret because it all dripped down the back, over my legs, heels, the rope but if you’d been looking at me from the front, you wouldn’t have known. I often squirt but I was very taken by it this time. I felt like I wanted to stop it to save myself from getting wet while also wanting to keep this pleasurable feeling going. Of course, the task wouldn’t allow me to stop anyway, which was good, hehe.

As I said, sitting down on the wand didn’t really put the wand in the right spot so after a little, I held the wand on the right spot. I love the feeling just before the orgasm. I’m not even going to attempt to describe it, plus I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about. I knew the pegs would be dripping wet after this… Roxy had said to take some artsy pictures afterwards so my first inclination was to focus on the pegs. But the longer I took taking all these pictures, the more the pegs started to burn. I suppose that made it more fun though!


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8 Replies to “Task 10: Dripping Wet”

  1. Pingback: Task 9: A Clothespins Zipper – MLSlavePuppet

  2. Twinkle

    I am very much enjoying reading all of your tasks and they have given me some ideas to experiment with. Where do you come up with the ideas for all of these and do you perform one each day?

  3. Pingback: Task 11: A Small Predicament – MLSlavePuppet

  4. Pingback: Task 3: Pegs on Labia - MLSlavePuppet - Miss Roxy

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