Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps

Previous Task | Next Task “Capture the pain somehow of having clamps on your labia, this can be a photo or video.” I hate clamps. Yes, I like pain so it’s a bit of a love-hate relationship but let me repeat myself: I hate clamps! Or, at the very least I hate these clamps, the binder clips and have since the very first time Lois Continue Reading →

Task 10: Dripping Wet

Previous task | Next task “This task involves some rope, your wand and pegs. You will tie your feet together, be on your knees, put pegs on your labia and sit on your wand.” A video of the middle picture all the way up until reaching the very nice orgasm on Onlyfans here, as well as more pictures here. I kind of improvised tying my Continue Reading →

Trying to orgasm with clamps on my labia until I cried

Previous Post | Next Post In the morning of this particular day, Miss Lois had been briefly online and asked if I had a busy day today. She said that she had to go but that she might say hello later on if her day wouldn’t be too crazy. Three hours later she came back online and pointed out that I’d seemed to be rather Continue Reading →