Slave Mistress Weekend: Sunday

Previous Post | Next Task I woke up early from sweat-inducing dreams so I took a shower this morning, then tried to pass time playing with the injury on my lip (I will write a post about my lip sometime). Waking her up with breakfast felt less awkward this morning. Her lips curled into a smile again when I whispered good morning Mistress and when she Continue Reading →

The Fading Mark

This bruise was the result of a 50-stroke caning from back in early March. The last picture marks day 9 and it took about 17 days for this to fully heal. I’m not sure how it managed to get on the inside of my leg as she was definitely only caning my butt and thighs but it sure looked impressive! I shared a picture of Continue Reading →


My favourite images from last week Hard times working remotely by Askmefast What I really like about this picture is that my attention firstly goes to what’s on display below the desk. This is, no doubt, something we’ll all do at some point during our quarantines! But then when I look at this picture a while longer, I notice his face behind the monitor and his Continue Reading →

No Reminder Like Marks

Marks, mhm… I love marks because they are a visible reminder of the good time we had and sometimes they leave a soft sting of pain. Walking away from a task with marks reminds me of the pain I might have endured or whatever message a Domme wanted to instil in me. Having marks can be a moment of pride because it shows that what Continue Reading →