Punishment: Drinking out of a toilet (#2)

Previous Post | Next Post Read the first instalment Punishment: The day I drank out of a toilet Lois: “You were up early” (She meant this morning around 5 when I’d been on my phone to have a break from dreams for a little while) Me: “Morning Miss” Lois: “Did you have bad dreams this morning?” Me: “No one tried to choke me this time Continue Reading →

Punishment: The day I drank out of a toilet (#1)

Miss Lois: “‘As long as I can be useful to someone, even in the future, I have a purpose.’ This is your slave motto. Whenever we start a conversation, you type this after saying ‘Hello Miss’. I don’t want you to copy paste it. I want you to memorise and write it. The punishment for forgetting will be you peeing in the toilet and slurping some of the wee from the bowl.” Continue Reading →