Task 11: A Small Predicament

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“Create a harness, include hair bondage as a predicament to a butt plug if you can. Alternatively, tie your hair to your foot if you can’t attach it well to your butt plug.

“And another thing, from now on when you do a task it will be in this order: start by getting your things ready, putting music on, taking off your clothes and folding them neatly in a pile, getting down into submissive position and thinking about the task, focusing yourself on your submission.”

I had just done a chest harness for Tie me up Tuesday when Roxy gave me my next task, which, as you can read, involved another harness. The thing is when someone who I have a connection with sets me a task I start wanting to do it well. Like, better than good or at the very least better than last time. So since I had already done x, y and z with rope by now, I felt like I should try something a bit more advanced…

Task 11: A Small Predicament

I knew I was going to need more than just a 10m rope but I was curious about what it would look like with two colours. I suppose I could have done the entire lower bit in black but it was difficult enough to tie this one. It took me an hour, if not longer haha. If you were to ask me to do it again I’d have to follow the tutorial in exactly the same way.

Task 11: A Small Predicament

The most difficult part was adding in the predicament. It wasn’t going to work with a butt plug because there is no place for me to attach rope to it but I do have an anal hook (thanks to my Liam). The anal hook wasn’t the problem, my hair, however, definitely a problem. I don’t know how people manage to weave rope into their own hair or tie it so that it stays put. I do have to add that I cannot make a bun to save my life, which is partly due to the fact that I have so much hair and it’s also too smooth, I guess.

Task 11: A Small Predicament

By the end of this, as you can tell by the spiderweb beneath my legs, I was rather wet, ha. I then had a lovely orgasm and my god, does the anal hook become prominently present when doing that!

Xx Mila

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25 Replies to “Task 11: A Small Predicament”

  1. collaredmichael

    Wow awesome!! And that “spiderweb” is beyond erotic! I know that you’re not into males, but I would lap that up in an instant! If allowed! I’m not surprised it took you so long to tie this. It’s quite complex to do to oneself!

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Haha thank you! I love how that just came about and that I could capture it on camera. I’m not into men in that sense but I’m 100% into spreading sexual positivity and the enjoyment as must be obvious by now!

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Thank you 🙂
      And ikr! For years I looked at these pictures on fetlife of girls with an anal hook tied to their hair and I really wanted to be them!

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  3. Never Waste a Dirty Mind

    I had not heard spiderweb before either. That is a good word!

    I have complimented you on your hair before. One of the reasons I think long hair is suitable for a submissive is that it can be used in bondage.

    I hope Roxy will do that hair to anal hook tie on you, once all this social distancing is over. I know you would like that a whole lot better than having to do it yourself!

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author


      Same. I remember people suggesting to have it short for a while and I was thinking… but what if I run into a Domme? I want them to be able to use my long hair! Keep in mind I have had this thought since I was like 17 and I’m 24 now! No one has used it yet in person haha

      I would certainly enjoy it more if she did it. But for now, I think my hair can be nice for pictures ^^

      I hope you’re doing okay and staying safe! Glad to see you pop in here every now and then 🙂

      • ams

        Hehe..Ma’am recently pulled me up with my hair. That was a very interesting feeling…never thought that this would a possibility when I started to let my hair grow longer.

        • MLSlavePuppet Post author

          I can imagine it must have been! There’s something about hair pulling… on the other hand I love it when someone just plays with my hair. It’s the most amazing and relaxing feeling. You should ask her if she’d like to play with yours!

      • Never Waste a Dirty Mind

        I have had that hair thought longer than you have been alive!

        We had a discussion about preparing for a Domme and you told me it was unhealthy to tie one’s happiness to some other person potentially showing up (I am paraphrasing) and I agree with that point. But this makes me think that there is a difference between preparing in that sense and acquiring skills that are useful on their own, but can also be useful in the service of a Domme.

        In particular, I am thinking about learning to do stuff with your hair. You have learned to dress up and (kinda sorta) enjoy wearing heels. You have learned to pose for photos to look your best. Under Miss Lois’ supervision, I know, but you seem to carry on with working those skills on your own.

        I think being able to do something with your hair to complete a look or work with a dress is an extension of the feminine that you have found and (seem to) enjoy exploring. For example, I think a high, tight braid would would have been a great complement to your red party dress.

        And as you explore bondage and shibari, it also seems a natural extension to include your hair. And I know you. If you decide you want to learn to do something, you are not going to quit until you figure it out.

        All the best,

        • MLSlavePuppet Post author

          I agree with you in terms of acquiring that skill which is useful on its own. And haha, yes… In fact, the learning how to do things with my hair is something Lois also wanted me to learn. It started by being able to make a bun which is really difficult with my hair. I learned how to do it, over a year ago now and I have still never worn it. As part of this I also learned to style and curl my hair (I know most girls just know how to do this but I just never cared. My hair is so easy, I just roll out of bed, brush it once and voila!) I also like a high ponytail now. I don’t like curls much. I cannot for the life of me braid my hair. The problem is that I lose track of which side I just did and which one I have to do next. It’s really bad. I only get about 1/5th of the way down before I lose track.

          While you’re right that once I set my mind to it I indeed don’t stop until I master it, I often NEED it to be useful for me in order to start that process. For example, my parents always wanted me to try and start cooking when I still lived at home and I just didn’t care. I didn’t need it. I only started cooking when I went to uni because that’s when it became useful to me and I’m pretty good at it regardless and they’re like: but you never practised?? (mind you I’m not like a great great cook lol)

          I really do agree though, it would be nice if I learn this hair thing but at the same time I’m really lazy. I need some sense of motivation because it’s not particularly fun to me to do hair things. Neither was makeup, at least not until I started enjoying it. Perhaps after the lockdown when there is incentive to look nice again, who knows.

          • Never Waste a Dirty Mind

            Well, I say that the time is now, where you have time on your hands, so you can bring your hair game, when the lockdown is over and you hit the kinky party scene again. You don’t want to do a do for the first time on your way out the door.

            And you are practically saying it yourself with the makeup: You will enjoy this too once you feel competent. As you do with dressing up. And posing. And taking photos.

            Tell Roxy that she needs to crack the whip… No, you are just going to enjoy that… Tell her to bring out the hot sauce. That should motivate you.

          • MLSlavePuppet Post author

            Haha while I have time on my hands? I’ve never been busier! I’m so far behind on everything that I have to do. I learned makeup over Christmas so maybe I’ll do hair next Christmas 😛

            LOL. I told her how bad it is, I think she would be reluctant to use it!

  4. Marie Rebelle

    These images are gorgeous. I’ve been in bondage a couple of times with an anal hook added, and it was quite… interesting. Exciting. And the wetness… yum!

    Rebel xox

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