Task 27: Attach a harness to your collar

Previous Task | Next Task “Make a rope harness that’s attached to the ring of your collar and take some pictures.” After receiving my collar, Roxy unsurprisingly gave me the task to take some pictures with it. Combining it with a rope harness sounded quite simple but when I started thinking of the mechanics it didn’t add up in my head. It’s quite common to Continue Reading →

A Date with a Domme

Previous task | Next Post It had been about two months since I saw Roxy last when she came over to mine. I had really been looking forward to seeing her at my place again (and had already planned my lingerie outfit for waking her up in the morning) but unfortunately, we didn’t manage to make it happen. Instead, she said we’d go to a Continue Reading →

Task 24: Outdoor Rope Harness

Previous Task | My Mistress is Coming Over I cannot remember how she set this task so let’s just imagine it was something like, “Wear a rope harness and take a picture outdoors.” The other day I realised that I had forgotten to post about this task as it took place just before Roxy came over weeks ago. But as I went through the posts Continue Reading →

Task 11: A Small Predicament

Previous task | Next task “Create a harness, include hair bondage as a predicament to a butt plug if you can. Alternatively, tie your hair to your foot if you can’t attach it well to your butt plug. “And another thing, from now on when you do a task it will be in this order: start by getting your things ready, putting music on, taking Continue Reading →

The Shinju with some Add-ons

Following Tie me up Tuesday week’s 2 prompt (do join in and enjoy the fun!) I decided to try a shinju harness. Seeing the other entries so far I got very excited to do this one myself. The start of this one is a real pain. I found it difficult to reach the rope so high up my back and when they explained which parts Continue Reading →

Task 7: Rope Harness

Previous task | Next task “I would like you to do some self-bondage. Pick a style of rope harness, learn it and photograph it.” Oh god, rope, I’m so bad at rope. Additionally, how could I make this look pretty enough to be as good as the flowers from the last task? I didn’t want to pick a standard harness but I couldn’t find a Continue Reading →