“Prepare a cut out of a simple shape out of card, you will use this as a stencil if you like for candle wax, which you will pour around the shape so as when you lift it there will be your shape there.”
I love creativity. I instantly had so many ideas that were all way too complicated and I had to remind myself of “a simple shape,” which to be honest, is all you can really ask when you’re using wax, or so I found out! So what simple shape then? I suppose it’s a bit cheesy but hearts are the best, right? I wish I could have covered my butt in heart shapes but that’s a bit difficult when you’re on your own. I’m a perfectionist so I wanted to cut the perfect heart, which I did by first drawing one on a different piece of paper, cutting that out, drawing a new one around the other heart on the green paper and then cutting it out. I think I was successful.
So, pouring wax in a shape and then lifting the paper sounds simple enough, right? Well, it isn’t because one, wax goes everywhere when it’s still liquid and two, wax breaks so easily that you can’t just pull the paper off without breaking the heart you just tried to make. However, I am a perfectionist and I was going to get this to work.
Wax is such a pleasant thing to feel on your skin. I always think it’s going to hurt me but it doesn’t really. Though, while pouring it in the shape the wax would run over the ends of the paper and slide down my side which I could certainly feel! But hey, I like pain. And soon (well it took me an hour) I had covered myself in 5 little hearts. I did have two shapes for a smaller and a bigger heart.
I suppose this can be a symbol for self-love?
Xx Mila
(I bought this candle from Kandles by Kitten and would 100% recommend!)
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Trying again. Something went wrong the first time. These are very cool! But I would expect you had to somehow cut the wax around the heart shape before lifting the paper.
Yes, it was kind of annoying / I didn’t want to break it! So I used nail scissors to sort of try and detach it from the paper but it was a real pain lol.
Ohh! That looks so great! I think I have to try this 🙂
Thank you! Do show me if you do! Feel free to comment here or message me as I sometimes miss new posts of other bloggers because I’m so disorganised and all over the place lol!
Is looked like lots of fun and great results
This is such a great idea and the effect is brilliant. You look gorgeous wearing your little red hearts
Thank you Missy!
This was really a fun task. Love the images, and the creativity 😉
Rebel xox
Thank you Marie!
There is that beautiful smile, what a clever idea.
I love this idea with such great results!!
Thank you!
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