“Fuck you” | For a fleeting moment, at peace at last

Previous Post | Next Post Content warning: bad mother-daughter relationship 21 March 2019 21:06 Mum sent me a message and I replied and she replied and then I just said, Fuck you. I don’t know if that’s a good thing but I just can’t.  22:09 I don’t think I’ve ever… said anything like this to her before. 22:10 I feel so helpless. 22:24 Lois: “I Continue Reading →

Fun in Mum’s attic

I looked around the attic… my mum has many, many things that are partly packed in a lot of boxes and partly just shoved aside and hidden in drawers and such. I had no idea what we were looking for so I started sending Miss Lois pictures of everything. The shelves, the inside of drawers, boxes etc. I sent her about 30 different pictures. To the best of my knowledge, none of the items were useful in any way. Continue Reading →