Task 26: Crotch Rope Harness

Previous Task | Next Task “Make a rope harness that a crotch rope can be attached to.” I got a bit behind on posting about the tasks Roxy set me, as this took place back in September. In fact, I wrote about the play we had with a similar harness here, but I never uploaded the pictures of this specific task. When she set me Continue Reading →

Two Weights and a Crotch Rope

Last week, Roxy and I brought another visit to the dungeon. She’d given me the task to braid rope into my hair in preparation and handed me a bundle of impact toys and rope to take to the playroom upstairs. It felt a bit ridiculous carrying these, not least because I was holding my own tools of torture but also because there were too many Continue Reading →

Crotch Rope with Weight

Previous Post | Next Post I have always been interested in crotch rope predicaments. So much so that it’s one of the few things my ex and I actively pursued even though we barely ended up doing anything kinky. Last year before December I made my own crotch rope predicament by lacing the rope around the rail in my wardrobe and locked myself in place Continue Reading →

Locked in my Self-Devised Predicament

Last Thursday, I was in a very masochistic mood and I figured that the only way I’d get out of this was by torturing myself in one way or another. I’ve used the attempt to force several orgasms quite a lot but I wanted something better, something more torturous, somehow. I remember PainSlutLois’ post about a predicament she put herself in for 8 hours, and thought, Continue Reading →