Two Weights and a Crotch Rope

Last week, Roxy and I brought another visit to the dungeon. She’d given me the task to braid rope into my hair in preparation and handed me a bundle of impact toys and rope to take to the playroom upstairs. It felt a bit ridiculous carrying these, not least because I was holding my own tools of torture but also because there were too many Continue Reading →

Stapling my Vagina Shut

Buy a video of me stapling my vagina here | Buy a video of Mistress Stapling my vagina shut here This idea wasn’t entirely fabricated by my mind alone. I mean, of course, it wasn’t. But it’s also not like I, myself, personally stumbled upon this idea or saw a porn video. I had no idea people did this. When I found out, I thought it Continue Reading →

Trying to orgasm with clamps on my labia until I cried

Previous Post | Next Post In the morning of this particular day, Miss Lois had been briefly online and asked if I had a busy day today. She said that she had to go but that she might say hello later on if her day wouldn’t be too crazy. Three hours later she came back online and pointed out that I’d seemed to be rather Continue Reading →

Task: Epilator for pussy

Miss Lois once asked me to sketch her a scenario / write her a story about a girl that wanted to be a slave and was starting her training. (I mean, this was obviously about me even though I started writing it as if it was about a random person, after which I was specifically told that this was about me.) Continue Reading →