Task 1: Making my own Porn video

Note: Laura experienced some difficulties in her life and unfortunately this project has therefore been paused indefinitely.

As explained in a prior post, Laura and I are setting each other tasks and will be posting about how this went on our blogs. Laura fulfilled my first task and wrote about it here. On the bottom of this post, she wrote down the task for me, which I have now done and about which I will write here.

Laura set me the task to make my own porn video, which she directed and to then watch the video twice a day for the following three days while timing an orgasm to my orgasm in the video. Read the full task here.

Thoughts when reading the task

Day 1

I’m not going to lie, reading the task made me feel aroused. At the same time, the first thought that raced through my mind was… nipple clamps… ugh, that’s not the kind of pain I want to feel at the moment! Especially because I’ll be pulling at them because of the chain that’ll be stuck in my mouth… And will my nipple be extra sore from piercing it with a needle just a few days ago?

My second thought was… the inflatable butt plug. The damn butt plug. I told her I struggle with the feeling of being full like that so of course, she had to… On the other hand, she’s kind for allowing me to keep it bearable.

I wondered about how well I’d be able to spank my own pussy. It’s always difficult to harm yourself like that. The easiest way to do it seems to be with elastics as you can’t stop the force from hitting you after you’ve pulled and let it go. But doing it with my hand… I guess we’ll see how that goes.

It’s sad my mouth will be taped shut with tape as, knowing myself, I would certainly smile cheekily when pulling my head back to make the chain of the clamps pull at my nipples. Also, I’m looking forward to the orgasm at the end!

Day 2-4

I hate watching myself. I once filmed myself without a mask for 45 minutes when I was locked in a forced orgasm situation for Miss Lois and she then told me to tell her where I had orgasmed in the video, which meant I had to watch the entire 45-minutes of myself and I hated it. I had to do it in breaks because… eh. So the prospect of watching my own porn video was a bit, erm, dreadful, though in a positive way because I’d say it’s a great task because I dislike it.

It’s a little evil that I have to watch it twice times a day and orgasm exactly when I orgasm in the video and if I fail I’ll have to watch the video again. I really hope I’ll be able to get the timing right. Maybe I should make sure my orgasm in the video lasts a long while! Additionally… three days. I’ll have to watch myself at least 6 times, and think about ‘how sexy you are and how gorgeous you look, especially when you are in pain and cumming like a good subby masochist.’ Well… I’m sure I won’t struggle with that at all #sarcasm.

The fact that it will be at least six times in three days is a good way to keep me in the submissive mindset though, I’m sure I’ll enjoy that!

Executing the task, day 1:
Making my own porn video

Mhm… Laura said while she directed the video, I am the actor but jokes on me because I can’t act, nor erotically present myself when I know I have to, lol so I have 100% failed at that aspect of the task. I set up my phone to film and took off my shirt (as I don’t wear bra’s) in I believe, a very unsexy way as I first very awkwardly glanced at the camera. I then proceeded to take off my thong, which I’m sure didn’t look any better. I was bleeding a little today (you can still bleed during the first 6 months of having the IUD placed) so I wasn’t exactly looking forward to putting the crotch of my thong in my mouth. It tasted pretty gross, but I do get used to it quickly and forget about it. The picture below shows what the panties looked like after I finished making the video.

Then the clamps, oh the nipple clamps. I showed the video to Laura so she now knows how I respond to clamps clamping shut on my nipples. (While I won’t share this video with you, I have made a video in which I use the same clamps on my nipples which you can view here.) God, they hurt every time and every time it feels like I can’t cope but the pain eases off within 2 minutes or so (the pain lasts so long after they’ve been removed though!) So I had to pause for a moment before I could attach the second clamp, about which I was less enthusiastic because this was the nipple I’d pierced with a needle a few days ago. Auch, I needed another moment… When I started pulling the chain up to put it in my mouth I realised that I’d put the clamps the wrong way around, meaning the chain had less wiggle room, meaning my nipples would get pulled much more. It crossed my mind to take them off and re-do it but honestly, that’d be more painful so I rolled with it, then stuffed the rest of my thong in my mouth and taped it in.

As I’m writing this I realise that I should have perhaps worn some make-up… maybe that would’ve helped me appreciate myself a little more, haha.

I got on all fours with my purple-marked-by-the-cane-ass to the camera and started inserting the butt plug. The inflatable butt plug is such a pain to insert. Sometimes it goes quite easily but more often than not it doesn’t. It’s not solid enough to simply push inside even if it’s inflated, so I have to sort of push it in with my finger but it’s so flexible that it’s a nightmare. Once it’s in though, it’s rather easy to keep in as soon as you start pumping it up. It’s honestly the only butt plug/vibrator that I can keep inside of me without having to worry that it comes out again. Pumping it up though also sucks. I am always surprised about how quickly it becomes painful. I know I’ll look very much in pain with the final pump because I had to pause again and felt like I definitely couldn’t cope with this feeling. Of course, that feeling eased off after a little while.

Idiot me hadn’t thought of getting a pen before starting the video so I had to get up as the chain was pulling at my nipples and the pump from the butt plug dangling between my legs. (I opted not to take the pump out because it makes it easier to deflate it later on.) When I got back in front of the camera, I intended to write ‘Thank you Laura’ high up my body, perhaps on my boobs or something but in order to do that I had to tilt my head upwards, which meant the chain would be pulling at my nipples more so instead I wrote it just above my vagina (pictures here). As I wrote it I mostly worried I might not have written the letters right. I did write the ‘a’ the wrong way around, but the rest was ok!

What followed was that I had to kneel in front of the camera with my legs spread wide so that I could spank my vagina 10 times… As I wrote above upon reading the task, I felt sceptic about how well I’d be able to execute this. I tried but when I start the swing with my hand, halfway through I automatically get scared and hold back without intending to? It was really hard and I felt kind of ashamed for being unable to do it properly. Still, when I hit my vagina my body moved from the sudden hit.

The 9th thing she wanted me to do was tilt my head back so that my nipples would be pulled at and this really hurt. Because I had put the clamps the wrong way around on my nipples it was really hard to tilt my head back. I don’t think I successfully managed to be honest, but I was certainly pulling at my nipples! All the while doing all of the above I was dripping wet. I mean, I was literally dripping which became a little gross because it was a mixture of blood (sorry) and arousal… But yay arousal!

Needless to say, I was quite excited about getting to orgasm now and after being away for a month, I could finally use my big wand again! I’d forgotten how strong it was. It instantly felt like I was too sensitive, to be honest. It was okay though and I managed to orgasm within… a little over a minute? I tried to keep the orgasm going for a long as I could which was far less long than I’d like considering the second part of this task.

All in all, I felt aroused, awkward, in pain and a little embarrassed shooting this video.

Executing the task, day 2-4:
Watching and masturbating to my own porn video

I wasn’t looking forward to this part… I cringed just thinking about the idea of watching it, especially because I knew exactly what I’d done and when and what it probably looked like… aka embarrassing.

So on the first day, I closed my door, plugged in my earphones and pressed play. The first minute or so is me just looking really uncomfortable and embarrassed. I do all the things I know I do when I’m embarrassed. I smile a little awkwardly, my glance goes from left to right to up, to the camera and elsewhere again, I have the urge to hold my arm with the other, or something. I could barely watch this minute the first time. I literally hid my face in my hands and looked through the gaps of my fingers. Omg, I thought, I can’t possibly watch this. But thank god, when I started executing the task, aka putting underwear in my mouth, followed by attaching nipple clamps and adding the chain and then taping it shut, I stopped being as awkward and became focused instead.

I was quite interested to see the part where I attach the clamps to my nipples as I know I respond quite intensely. Now that I’ve seen it I’ve learned that I very much dislike watching my face when I’m in pain. I don’t think it’s pretty at all; it looks hideous! (I suppose y’all will disagree with me, which is good as I’m not the one who has to watch myself (usually)). Also, I had to chuckle when in the video, I realised that I had put the clamps on the wrong way. It kind of made me want to facepalm.

After the first two-and-a-half minutes, I started wondering if my sound was on but then realised that most of this video was going to be very quiet. I had filmed this when my flatmate was in right next door so of course, I had tried to make the least sound as possible. In the meantime, I already reached a point where I could possibly get to an orgasm so I started stimulating slightly less effective areas, as I was using a vibrator. I don’t like using my fingers a lot anymore. It’s a lot of effort with little result. Does that mean I’m just really bad at using my fingers? I don’t know, I was great at giving my ex good orgasms with my fingers.

Then I turn around in the video so that my butt is in view as I try to get the butt plug in. Not going to lie, I quite like this part because it shows the caning marks! (Will post about that experience with some pictures on Saturday). As I’m trying to get the plug in I get fascinated by the way the composition looks in terms of how the hands are kind of touching a hole from the outside? I know that makes no sense.

When I get back up while remaining seated on my knees, I finally suddenly appreciate what I look like. I slightly bend/hunch over and all my hair has fallen over the right side of my body. I then have to pump the plug up, which makes me look pained a few times and eventually bend over with my face to the floor because I need a moment to cope with and readjust, which arouses me as I’m watching.

I had then forgotten to have the marker ready so I get up with the pump dangling between my legs which looks very silly, lol. When I start writing ‘Thank you Laura’ I appreciate my body again. I also remember how annoying my hair was as it kept on falling in front of my face. Seeing the letters appear on my body arouses me though, and I’m happily surprised that I wrote the letter a right! Plus, my handwriting is quite pretty looking considering.

I change the camera angle to film the part where I’m slapping my own vagina, which makes my boobs look good? I think? There is something appealing about them? lol. It’s super cringeworthy to watch myself slap me, though. I can see that I’m thinking of how I’m not managing to properly hit myself and that I’m frustrated about it. At the same time, it’s quite amusing to see my body respond regardless. The movement and ‘fear’ is involuntary and as I watch myself do it, I almost feel my body launch backwards now, too, because I can imagine exactly what it feels like.

The bit that follows about pulling my head back to put my nipples in severe pain is both arousing and another I-hate-what-my-face-looks-like-when-in-pain moment. I dearly wished that this would look more elegant!

The moment I put the vibrator on my clit in the video, I put the vibrator on my clit too in the current moment. I was afraid I would miss the mark. I mean… it can’t be easy to cum at exactly the same time that I did in the video, right? Well, it turns out that it’s not that difficult! Conveniently enough, if I use the same vibrator and start at the same time as I do in the video it takes me exactly the same to reach the orgasm, lol, even with stimulation on beforehand. Spoiler alert: this means that I only had to watch the video 6 times in total!

Laura said that she wanted me to focus on how sexy and gorgeous I look, especially when in pain and cumming and I just cannot see it! I genuinely think my face looks terrible when I’m in pain and cumming.

Over the three days, it became easier to watch myself in the video. I don’t know if that’s because I started appreciating myself more or because I anticipated what would happen. Every time, I noticed something new though and appreciated what I saw. On its own though, I barely got wet from watching this video. Doing this felt more like just something I had to do, which in and of itself is arousing, but watching myself just isn’t arousing as much.

Has anyone else ever watched a porn video of themselves? How does that make you feel? I kind of want Laura to try it out now!

I think this task was very clever as it appears to have been aimed at making me appreciate myself more, amongst other things. Like I said at the start, I hadn’t expected this! I think making the video and the idea of it had the best effect and it was nice being able to come twice a day, hehe, so thank you, Laura. I hope you’re ready for your next task.

Tasks with Student Slave

Task 2 for Laura

(Read about the first task I set her here, and about her report on it here)

Like the last task I set, Laura is only allowed to read the second part once she has finished the first, etc. (I think it’s more exciting that way and gives the incentive to do the task sooner rather than later, as I imagine she’s quite curious!)

For this task, I need you to get 42 clothespins. Wooden ones are preferred. Disclaimer: the tasks have a lot of maths!

Part 1: I hope you remember the first porn video you had to watch last time (if not, click here), as rather than just imagining it, I want you to execute it this time. I want you to prepare it and test out if you can make it work. If it’s not working out, message me and we’ll figure it out together. Once it has been prepared move on to the next part. You don’t have to prepare it on the same day that you decide to do the actual task.

I’m looking forward to hearing how you get on and reading your report about it!

Xx MLSlavePuppet

6 Replies to “Task 1: Making my own Porn video”

  1. Avner

    Hi Marie Louise, love your blog. Your writing is so descriptive and detailed and your pictures are very compelling. Are you still doing the tasks with Laura? I was reading along with that and they seem to have gone dark.

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Hey, thank you so much! Really happy to hear that. Yes I am still doing them with Laura, but at the moment there are some private things she’s dealing with, that’s why it’s taking a while for her to do the task. But we are definitely continuing this. In fact, she’s made me wear a ball gag all day today, so maybe I’ll write about that haha

  2. Pingback: Tasks with Student Slave - MLSlavePuppet - BDSM

  3. Pingback: Task 2: Pegs! – The Student Slave

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