Slave Mistress Weekend: Saturday

Previous Post | Next Post I woke up at 9 am by my alarm and got up to have my own breakfast before preparing hers. I didn’t really need an hour though it was nice to take it slow as I was rather sleepy. I waited in the kitchen until the 09:59 on my phone changed to 10:00 and pushed the door open ever so Continue Reading →

Slave Mistress Weekend: Friday

Next Post Last weekend, my Mistress came over for the first time. After reading the initial post I know you’re all dying to read how it went and I can tell you it was really nice. It’s hard for me to comprehend or explain but it made me feel so much like myself. On Sunday on our way to the bus stop, Roxy said she’s Continue Reading →

My Mistress is Coming Over

Previous Task | Slave Mistress Weekend: Friday If you’re in Scotland, you’re probably aware that we get to meet people indoors again. I also still happen to live alone for a limited amount of time so what better way to spend it than with a Mistress? Well, for the weekend anyway, Roxy is coming over. When you read this she will have already arrived (Friday evening) Continue Reading →