
My favourite pictures from last week

Masked by Deviant Succubus
This picture and its title are very on theme but what really captured my attention were her complete outfit and looks. Everything matches so well from the boots, to the fishnets, the black cardigan, bra, THAT collar. I love her make up and how the mask (what do you mean stylish?!) and her hair bring in colours to the look.

Parts by Love and Lust
This is such a beautiful collage presented to us in black and white. There is something very intimate about these close-ups of these different body parts of which he says he hasn’t previously pointed the camera at. I love the sentiment and its representation.

Isolation by ImJudas
This picture caught my attention because it looks like such a beautiful still portrait. It feels to me like he’s sharing his vulnerability with us. He’s open by showing himself but still holds his body somewhat defensively. It makes me wonder about who the person is behind this picture.

Check out other people’s entries this week by clicking on the lips below!


Sinful Sunday

34 Replies to “Lifted”

        • MLSlavePuppet Post author

          Made me feel? Mhm… I was just having fun taking pictures! I took like 140 that day! and I just loved how this one came out. I enjoy the creativity or kind of like trying to find and capture an appealing image 🙂 This one was just idea with that nightgown and somehow it was ‘perfect’ on the first shot

  1. collaredmichael

    I didn’t realize you were wearing a night gown. I thought it was a sexy dress! It’s a fabulous pose. And a scintillating photo!! ( phew, there’s my big word for the day!)

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      I suppose it could be worn as such in the kinky world too! I’ve had this since I was like 15 and I never wore it but I’ve found a purpose for it now 😀
      Thank you!!

  2. DeviantSuccubus

    That is a very sexy image, ML! Your butt looks delicious, and the way it is taken, it could be on some sort of glossy erotic magazine. Fabulous! (and thanks for mentioning my image <3)

  3. MrsK

    Obviously, you have a very nice bum (have you read all these comments, so much love and encouragement), but I just wanted to say you are so brave. I’m too prude to let it all hang out 🙂

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Hahaha thank you!! ♥️ It’s just a butt to me yknow. Just that. But I have learned what kinda pictures to take And thank you. I think it comes with time. You should see the very first picture I took of myself naked. And then all the pictures after that for the next year. And now 3 years after that first one I made it here. But it’s also fine to not feel comfortable doing it! I just hope people can find a way to be as free as they would like to be 🙂

  4. Pingback: This week's top lingerie posts - Love, Violet

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