Cuffed to a Chair

Cuffed to a Chair


I pictured a girl bound to a chair with her arms behind her back. That would make a good picture for the rope handcuff prompt for Tie me up Tuesday, right? This girl would be left in the dark and wear a hood to limit her senses. She’d be wearing a remote control vibrator, perhaps? And then… well, you tell me!

Since I managed to take a low key picture the first time, I’ve been curious about what else I could capture. The amount of surface I can cover is limited because of the background I’m working with. If you remember, last time I used the sofa for my backdrop but I used a brown blanket this time. I find it fascinating how you can turn such a light surrounding into a picture which makes it seem like it’s dark. That’s the power of photography, huh? 

Trial and Error

The first step is getting the light right, followed by the positioning, focus etc. I take these kinds of pictures in my living room which has a massive window and so I figured I should get those three steps right before fully undressing. However, I later realised that being dressing black aids the picture, as it allows the sole focus to be on my tied hands. I estimate that trying to capture a good picture on your own takes twice as long than if you did it with someone. It’s mainly the positioning which takes a long ass time. I always wish my hands were titled that little bit to the right or were twisted that little bit more but once you’ve gotten up to check the picture it’s impossible to go back into that exact same position to alter that little detail.

Perseverance pays off

I tried to take some pictures horizontally too but thought the vertical ones were better. The handcuffs themselves weren’t hard to make. Once you know the tie it’s fairly easy! It’s a pain, however, having to get out of the handcuffs, walk back and forth, start the timer and put them back on. Yes, I’m still depending on the timer for now, but hey, perseverance pays off. Following a few trial and errors I got a result close to what I’d imagined (the picture at the top of this post) and here’s one extra.

Cuffed to a Chair

Have you tied your hands yet? There’s still time to partake in this week’s Tie me up Tuesday ‘Tie those hands’ prompt.

Xx Mila

16 Replies to “Cuffed to a Chair”

  1. Charlie X

    I absolutely love what you have done with your DIY set-up! I’m as excited to see the behind the scenes picture as the final result, which is stunning. It just goes to show what you can accomplish with a little imagination and some basic camera knowledge (and a timer, and a brown curtain…)

  2. collaredmichael

    You must be working extremely quickly as most cameras only have a ten second delay. Impressive, but that is a word becoming quite common when I think of you.

  3. missy

    This is amazing ML. Your final image is brilliant and seeing your process makes me wonder if maybe we could achieve something similar. You have inspired me

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Thank you Missy! I do hope you’ll try this out. It feels really good to accomplish and it’s 100% possible. If it doesn’t work out I can always come over to show you

  4. PurpleSole

    Having read this and heard about the effort that you’ve once again put it I’m glad you have able to create another fabulous image. You’re getting rather good at this .

  5. DeviantSuccubus

    I really love those pictures! And there goes a lot of work into taking a picture that looks simple, focused and is angled exactly right. Whenever I think, ah, it is just a picture post, I can do this quick, I forget the whole damn process which takes hours! Well done, ML; and thanks for sharing the process with us (and making me feel less alone with my perfectionism when it comes to taking pictures 😛 )

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Thank you Devie ❤️
      It really does. I don’t know how you manage it with all your pictures tbh! Like I said you inspired me to put in the effort for this one! And I’m glad I’m not alone with that perfectionism either

  6. sass c.

    This is the effect I was trying to do last week, but it was not happening haha. I bought a black curtain and hope it’ll help in the future.

    But once again, you have stunning photos.

  7. Marie Rebelle

    Oh I love this, and also how you run us through what you have done, and how you got to the picture. Perseverance indeed! And love that you also used two colors 🙂
    ~ Marie


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