Safety first: Before tying anything, please read over the safety tips rope bondage site The Dutchy has provided. Always have a pair of scissors at hand in case you or your partner have to get out of the rope as quickly as possible! Ok, so, bondage.
Last week
As you’ve noticed, this TmuT post is 8 days late. I’ve been a bit all over the place but I’m picking things back up and hope you’re still excited to tie with me! Have you read Turtles All The Way Down by John Green? The phrase turtles all the way down represents spiralling thoughts and so I thought it may be fitting to tie a turtle harness this time. If it looks too complicated or would take too much time, as always feel free to tie your own harness or do anything else with rope. I would love to see whatever you come up with.
New Prompt & Instructions
Video tutorial by Voudou Ropes

Image by Voodoo Rope
You can link up prompts from previous weeks or anything you do with rope
As always, feel free to do something else entirely, as long as it includes rope.
If you want to do another prompt from a previous week feel free to link it up here also!
Since I’m late, I’m keeping this link-up open for 3 weeks, and plan to go back to the usual 2 weeks after (or perhaps since it’ll be the holidays people might prefer to have a December prompt, and for us to return to normal starting in January?)
Links close on Monday the 7th of December 11:55 pm.
Twitter & Badges
Turns out I’m terrible of keeping track of things on Twitter. Just tweet the way you’ve been doing and tag me or reply to the thread or, well, do whatever works. Don’t forget to link up here & grab a badge here if you do.
Hashtags are #TiemeupTuesday or #TieMeUpTuesday or #TmuT.
Link up below!
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