Seeing Me at my Most Intimate

A lot of people are embarrassed to be naked, which stems from being told that we need to safeguard our private parts from a young age. It’s not strange that this is taught because at some point people started invading other people’s privacy to satisfy their lust (non-consensually, obviously). As a result, however, there’s quite a bit of shame around nudity. Pleasure in Exposure I Continue Reading →

Distracted in Class

Previous Post | Next Post Studying at university has one big advantage, which is that you don’t have to get up early (not if you’re a creative writing postgrad student at least) and so the only time I left the house around 8 was if I took up a shift as an ambassador. On one of those days, I sent Lois the usual ‘this is Continue Reading →

First Time Posing and Naked Pictures

I can still remember the first time Miss Lois asked me to pose for her on a picture, which was also the same time that I sent her my first naked pictures. I was quite reluctant about this, or conflicted rather. It’s not that I didn’t want to but I had always been told that I should never send or post any naked pictures of myself. I mean… Continue Reading →