Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps

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“Capture the pain somehow of having clamps on your labia, this can be a photo or video.”

I hate clamps. Yes, I like pain so it’s a bit of a love-hate relationship but let me repeat myself: I hate clamps! Or, at the very least I hate these clamps, the binder clips and have since the very first time Lois told me to use them. The last time I used these, therefore, was when Lois punished me over a year ago. That time she told me to put one on each side of my labia and one on each of my nipples each, keep them there for 35 minutes, followed by an agonisingly long time of masturbation. I uploaded the video of this on C4S (feel free to contact me on mlslpup@gmail or on Onlyfans about it instead) and I’ll write a blog post about it one day. Anyhow, point made. Clamps hurt me.

Capturing pain

Truth be told, I had no idea how to capture my pain. You can make noise on video so I guess that might be how? But considering the last task, that would mean she’d want me to make a proper video and quite frankly, putting myself in pain is difficult enough as it is. I did decide to film it but with the idea that it might be fun to watch as an extra. I was going to capture the pain in pictures because I simply enjoy taking pictures more and think I’m better at it.

Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps

Attaching the clamps

I get so nervous about putting these clamps on. I know I should just do it in one go but I really can’t make myself so instead, I do it painstakingly slowly. By that, I mean that I let them close by another millimetre every few seconds or so. I don’t think it actually helps, but it makes my mind think it does. To my surprise, however, putting them on didn’t hurt as much as I remembered it to be. In hindsight, I know that putting these on my nipples is far worse. Having the clamps on for a long time is more painful on my labia through and attempting to capture pictures while wearing them kept them on for a little bit. (I put a video in which I’m attaching the clamps on my Onlyfans.)

Body Language

Capturing pain on an image is a bit of a challenge but I realised I do certain things when I’m in pain. For example, my hands tend to clench into fists or hold onto my skin, which is quite prevalent. In fact, my hands often reveal how I’m feeling. When I’m nervous my fingers will be nervously playing with each. When I feel depressed my nails may be digging into my fingers. When I’m caught in thoughts my fingers are often tapping along to a song that’s playing in my head.

I don’t tend to make a lot of noise (even in pain kink wise) or verbally express how I’m feeling. Observing my body language and facial expression is your best bet at figuring out how I’m doing. While my hands go a long way, my face will give you the best clue as I’m very expressive. I also believe that eyes are truly the window to the soul and so in addition to the pictures below, I took a picture of my half-open eyes squinting in pain for Roxy, which captured my pain most successfully.

Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps

Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps

Xx Mila

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26 Replies to “Task 21: Capture the Pain of Clamps”

  1. Pingback: Task 20: Erotic Video - MLSlavePuppet - Slave Tasks

  2. books1799

    I think you captured the pain excruciatingly well with your photographs. I winced just looking at them. Having used those clamps for their intended purpose, as advertised in all good stationery shops, I know how viscious they are. I have only attached ordinary clothes pegs to my foreskin and that was painful enough. I’m wondering how the pain compared to when you stapled your labia together.

  3. Tomas

    Thank you for sharing your nice pics. This clamps really hurt, i know it by myself. I love how you dripping from pain and pleasure.

  4. Brigit Delaney

    I think your photos tell a perfect story of pain. I especially like the one of your hands. And my God, those must hurt. I just got a set of clamps, and I tightened them for a few minutes. It’s about all I could handle. I can’t imagine the binder clips! Ouch!

  5. David Proctor

    Your photos and body language convey what you’re feeling very well. I’m impressed at your self-awareness of how you visibly show you’re in pain. I found those clips really painful too.

  6. missy

    Well done for succeeding with your task and also for the being able to take pictures and videos too. That must have added to the process but I really like that we can see your body reacting

  7. Tom

    I believe your pain ML, very convincing. Crazy combination, pain&pleasure, I know. 🙂 It’s amazing how wet it makes you.

    Just to try it and get a taste of what you were experiencing I attached a paper clip to my parts. On penis (foreskin and skin of the shaft) or scrotum it felt surprisingly mild, but it was only for a couple of minutes and It did feel like it was getting worse. On nipples however I couldn’t stand it for more than 10 seconds, it hurt so much!!

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Thank you! So good to hear
      Also yes… lol at my arousal hahaha

      Also I get that. I cannooooot do them on nipples. I know I have but I hate it lol!

  8. Marie Rebelle

    If you have only put the images of your face and your fingers digging into your flesh, I would indeed have thought you are in pain, without seeing the clamps, even though I loved seeing those too. Great task, and a great execution 🙂
    ~ Marie

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Maybe I should have added the picture of the clamps at the very end of the post now you mention that! That’s honestly so good to hear though, that the pictures without the clamps said enough

  9. Pingback: Task 22: Snappy Erotic Video - MLSlavePuppet - Slave Task

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