Trying out Naomi’s Paddles

Naomi and I were sitting outside on the porch with a blanket shared between us. It was the late evening and everyone was tired. There had been a fetish party the night before, but Naomi and I hadn’t really seen much of each other. During the day we intended to take a bath together but in between cleaning and harvesting vegetables we didn’t find the time. We told each other a little about our nights and she mentioned that she still hadn’t been able to try out her paddles. I didn’t say anything in response to that. I didn’t on purpose because for the last couple of parties, every time we planned something (like flogging) it never worked out. Instead, I bit my tongue and hoped the topic would come up again later.

Out on the porch, the last few people awake had gathered to smoke and were waiting on a fire performance. It felt like the night would soon be over, as no one appeared to have the energy to party again, but then Naomi mentioned that she wasn’t ready to go to bed yet.

“Good,” I said. “You haven’t tried out your paddles yet after all.”

There was just a slight pause that passed so quickly it might not have been real.

“I see what you’re doing,” she replied.

I had a cheeky smile on my face.

She moved in her seat and seemed to quickly think over the logistics. “But you can’t be marked?”

“A few hits with the paddle won’t leave any bruises.”

“Are you sure?”


She jumped up and I watched her go inside and disappear at the top of the stairs. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and attempted to listen to the conversation of the others. Were Naomi and I really about to play? Just like that? 

When she reappeared with the paddles and a flogger in her hands, she signalled to me from behind the window. No one around me seemed to notice or pay attention. I followed her inside, extremely aware that if anyone did decide to look up I wouldn’t be able to hide the excitement on my face. We walked through the hallway without a clear plan of where to go but then naturally ended up in the library. I stumbled over my sentences. She asked me how I wanted to do this and I didn’t quite know. What’s a natural position to be spanked in? I don’t know. I’m obviously so inexperienced. 

It was quiet in the room so Naomi put some music on. It felt warm and safe in this small space and I just wanted to get closer to her. She too was smiling broadly and had a glimmer in her eyes. And did I see a little bit of sadistic excitement too?

She suggested I bend over the massage table and I asked her if I should undress, or something. Again, momentarily, my nerves slipped back in. She rolled my dress up so that my bottom would be exposed, then gently pushed my chest onto the massage table.

I eyed her from the corners of my eyes. I felt the desire to get back up and kiss her but I knew that I should probably stay.

She seemed to know and there was a playful vibe. I submitted to her as I waited and listened. I know I’ve been spanked countless of times before but the anticipation of it all felt different this time.

She hit me with the paddle and as soon as it touched my skin the corners of my mouth curled up into a smile. I made some noise when she hit me again, as the paddle felt heavier than its small size would suggest. I believe she checked in with me and then hit harder upon my nonchalant response, which made me laugh. While she spanked my bottom red my mind jumped between the sensations of pleasure and pain. She was taking it slowly and took her time to caress my bottom sometimes in between hits.

She paused and came closer. I lifted my head up. Our lips touched. One kiss before she pulled away with that broad smile on her face.

She exchanged the paddle for what looked like a type of ruler. It was long and flat and felt stingy when it hit my skin. She would give me a slight tap and increase the weight of each swing until the final hit really stung. But this one was far easier to handle than the paddle as its surface area was simply a lot smaller. It felt a little bit like repeatedly getting stung by small sparks that immediately dimmed after impact.

I very aware of my own arousal. Rather than it just being a physiological response between my legs, I felt so many feelings in my chest. She came closer once more and we kissed another few times.

When she exchanged the ruler for the flogger, I relaxed a little more into the massage table. My earlier thoughts over how this was a slightly embarrassing position had left my mind, and each and every hit felt pleasurable, even though I still moaned a little in pain. I felt so happy that we’d ended up here tonight and started feeling very alive.

She changed between the toys a few times and also hit my back after I asked. When I stood up we drifted closer into another embrace. We kissed again and I said that I felt so incredibly aroused.

She asked me what I had in mind.

“Uhm…” I stumbled, suddenly injected with newborn nerves again. “I don’t… know.”

But I did sort of know. Maybe.

We danced a little bit, then embraced and kissed again.

We exited the library and found a play scene that was taking place in the ballroom. We snuggled on the couch and stayed close like that until we eventually headed for our separate beds.

Xx Mila

2 Replies to “Trying out Naomi’s Paddles”

  1. MrsK

    Sounds like a lovely time! I laughed when you said you were inexperienced. I’ve seen the marks from caning videos. You’re a pro if I’ve ever seen one. Lol


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