Why Women Choose Female Chastity

This post was written and sponsored by LockTheCock, and has left me quite curious to try it! Let me know if this post has left you curious to try and or interested in reading about my experience using a chastity belt. 

Being teased and denied in the bedroom is one thing, but what about taking things to a completely new level? We’re talking about a physical barrier between wandering thoughts and a pulsating pussy—We’re talking about using a female chastity belt.

Female Chastity’s Journey From History to Fetish

Everything comes come from somewhere. Female chastity belts were historically used by suspicious men who would lock up their wives when they would depart for a long time, that being business, war, or whatever else men used to get up to. The point was to stop their wives from committing any infidelity. In modern times, the idea of wearing a chastity belt has become a huge sexual appeal. Especially for those seeking more intense BDSM adventures and orgasm denial.

What is a Female Chastity Belt?

A female chastity belt is a belt that has a plate covering the pussy, with straps so that it can be worn. It’s worm by females to deny them any means of sexual pleasure to themselves. It’s considered an intense form of BDSM. Usually partaked by two consenting parties, one as the submissive wearer and the other as the dominant, the one who decides the release.

Why Would a Woman Choose the Chastity Lifestyle?

Wearing a chastity belt would make any woman restless. Yearning for that big release would make a woman do anything to make it happen. The anticipation of having to wait and not knowing when it could happen, would make any woman quiver and twitch with those mini orgasms any overly horny woman would relate to.

Not only that, sometimes orgasms become, meh. Being forcefully denied to please oneself will make the end result a lot more intense and definitely worth the wait.

A woman can wear their chastity belt under their clothes, meaning that they can go about their daily activities, such as going to work, shopping, going to the gym et cetera, makes the whole concept a lot more exciting. It’s a little secret only they know about.

Female Chastity Adds Tantalizing Discipline and Submission

The BDSM front is a complex web and everyone tailors it to their own needs within their relationship. Wearing a chastity belt disciplines the wearer into being submissive to their partner. They will tease the wearer, making them beg, perform actions or any other forms of means to be released. Some dominants will prefer to watch their submissive (slave?) suffer for longer periods of time, whereas others may allow the wearer to take off the belt once they feel as though they have earned an orgasm. A woman being denied an orgasm can make them feel desperate, out of control and overall crazy. This relationship between the dominant and the submissive can make the dynamics very interesting. It will teach the woman discipline, being a brat won’t worm them out of this. They will have to learn how to fully submit and please their dominant.

An Exciting Way to Deny and Control Orgasms

Being teased with a feather and a slow cock penetrating you can be fun, but sometimes a woman needs something a lot more intense. A dominant locking up a submissive, being fully denied that release can make things a lot more electrifying. Sometimes the dominant can gratify that need by allowing a dildo up your ass, but a belt with a plate that covers the whole pussy will not allow any woman to orgasm. Only by their word.

With today’s society being exposed to a lot of porn, a female’s orgasm can become monotonous. Especially when they have a high libido, they can find themselves chasing that dragon from a time ago, when their orgasms were wet, exciting and full of release. These days, it can feel like an itch that needs to be scratched. A primal chore that has lost its lust. A chastity cage forces a woman to go back in time, forcing them to remember what it feels like to really need an orgasm. Being denied for so long can bring back that sensitivity in their clit, g-spot, and really teaches them to appreciate how good an orgasm can really be.

This post was written and sponsored by LockTheCock, a company that specialises in high-quality chastity products for both men and women. 


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