
Ordered a new pair of underwear. Can you tell I like the crotchless type? 😉 (crisscross for the crisscrossing black thingies ~)

My favourite picture from last week is this one this one.
Check out other people’s entries this week by clicking on the lips below!

Xx MLSlavePuppet

Sinful Sunday


58 Replies to “Crisscross”

      • collaredmichael

        Some guys are tit dudes, and some are fond of rear ends. While I like both of those, I have long recognized that I’m a pussy dude. So when people feature pictures of their pussies, I go all tingly and get excited. But I never want to be offensive or rude so I need to watch what I say.

        • MLSlavePuppet Post author

          You know, you like what you like and that’s great!! It’s honestly something that should be embraced because feeling tingly and excited is a great feeling to have

  1. Tom

    While I certainly like this lovely peace of lingerie, it’s your sexy bum that makes it gorgeous. And I will stop here…
    Well done, Marie Louise. B-)

  2. Posy Churchgate

    The lingerie is beautiful, the laced ribbons are so tasteful (until you get to the wicked crotchless bit anyhow!)
    Your pose is great and your rear is enviable.

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