I had not anticipated the hip harness would be so difficult (for me). Maybe I had been feeling a false sense of confidence as the other ties started to become easier or maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood when I did this one. I was attempting to cheer up my day and thought it might cheer up others as well but the frustration when tying this took over.
To be honest, it’s not that difficult of a tie, it just requires you to make knots and move the rope around, under and over and my patience just wasn’t there. What’s different in these pictures compared to my other rope ones is that I’m actually wearing underwear. I know, shocking. I like variation and since I have already used both my red and purple rope I thought black would be ok if I added something else more colourful in. This pair has turned into my favourite one in the last two weeks. What can I say? As you know I’m a sucker for red. And red and black go together!
Wearing the harness felt pretty cool as it’s one you can do pretty tight without that it becomes uncomfortable. The harness feels very secure and it makes sense that it could be used for suspension. Additionally, it makes the butt pop a little more. I’d like to do one that is actually designed to make your butt stand out next time 😛
Join in, join in with the fun! You can do your own hip harness or any other tie you’d like for Tie me up Tuesday! Links open till 11.55 pm on Monday the 27th.
Xx Mila
I was quite shocked, but I got over it as I admired your handiwork. That is some solo knot tying, and the colors against your skin is glorious. Oh please, tell me how you could possibly make your butt pop more than this sexy shot?
I see TMUT is bi-weekly now, I hope you don’t mind if I added a tie for this week, it’s a simple one, I’ll try to do better next week.
Hahaha, why thank you Elliot, what lovely feedback to receive 🙂
I don’t mind at all. You can add as many entries each time as you want, actually. So feel free to add one every week even though it’s bi-weekly now! ^^
Looks amazing! I really like the black contrast, Elliot is right it is glorious. I loved this prompt, but I think a new tutorial needs to be made 🙂
Can’t wait for the next one!
Thank you!! ♥️ I agree. Esp the last part where we aren’t shown how to finish tying it I was like… wait what? lol
I’m so glad you loved this prompt and are enjoying the meme
Really nice work. You’re very hard on yourself. And while the red contrasts nicely with the black. And while the panties are a very nice design and are sexy, I do prefer… lol.
Thank you Michael. Lol, yes… perfectionist I guess… Glad you like the colour contrast and yknow, when I was taking the pictures I was thinking, Michael is going to be disappointed hahaha
Well I guess that means you know me pretty well… lol.
But don’t you think the pics might have been just as great (or more so) without the panties? ☺️
Possibly 😛 I just wanted something different for a change
By the way, you know my best friend I sometimes write about? He started a blog and I thought you might be interested. Literally only just started so there’s not much to read but, yeah. https://liamtypestaboo.wordpress.com/
I tried to follow him but it wouldn’t let me.
Did it tell you why?
Managed to follow him now.
Following this, too now. Thank you.
red and black are wonderful together and when you add your skin tone and that wonderful butt , should i tell you what popped on me ?
bet you can guess
great effort with the knots i give you an A++
love the photos
Aw thank you so much, hehe
Great tie and nice butt pop haha. We do have some black rope but never used it for photos, might have to get it out.
This looks fantastic!!!
Thank you!
Another great tie, and I agree, the red and black go together very well!
Rebel xox
i can’t EVEN with these pics! gah! The rope and lingerie combo is so exquisite and you have SKILLS, girl! dang!
I don’t even know what to say haha! Thank you ♥️
Looks like your better at tying up than me. I enjoy doing it. That is my dark side .
Nice to follow this here and not feel bad about yourself.
Pingback: It's the freakin' weekend and these lingerie posts are fabulous - Love, Violet
The red and black contrast so well and I have to say that red lace is fabulous on you.
Thank you Bee <3