Taking a Topless Picture in Nature

Previous Post | Next Post (Please keep in mind that this post was written a full year ago before the time of publishing.) I was standing on top of a hill, looking out over the sea with my Canon camera and a microphone set up to take some video shots when my phone made that noise. Lois had messaged me. The sound startled me because Continue Reading →

Seashell Harness on the Beach

I used to live right next to the sea but recently moved. On my last day in the property, I thought I should make use of this beautiful location by wearing a rope harness out and taking some pictures on the beach. I found a tutorial for a seashell harness, which seemed fitting and decided to use my new rope I got from Skorpion Rope Continue Reading →

Task 24: Outdoor Rope Harness

Previous Task | My Mistress is Coming Over I cannot remember how she set this task so let’s just imagine it was something like, “Wear a rope harness and take a picture outdoors.” The other day I realised that I had forgotten to post about this task as it took place just before Roxy came over weeks ago. But as I went through the posts Continue Reading →