Task 29: Staple your belly button

Previous Task | Next Task “If you have staplers and needles I want to see your belly button stapled and/or with needles in it.” Aah, really?! That’s what you want me to do as a second task?! A week ago or so a friend said to me about how I had put needles in my belly button before and I corrected her then: “Not in, but Continue Reading →

Monday Collarbone

Previous: Week of Erotic Art | Next: Tuesday Rope “I would very much appreciate an artistic photo of a body part: Monday collarbone.” I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with the collarbone. I had never thought of specifically photographing that detail and was a bit clueless as to what props I could use. I wondered if props were necessary as my collarbones come out Continue Reading →

Slave Mistress Weekend: Friday

Next Post Last weekend, my Mistress came over for the first time. After reading the initial post I know you’re all dying to read how it went and I can tell you it was really nice. It’s hard for me to comprehend or explain but it made me feel so much like myself. On Sunday on our way to the bus stop, Roxy said she’s Continue Reading →

Task 6: Flourish

Previous task | Next task “To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way” (All 29 pictures here) Miss Roxy has been giving me some fun tasks which you can follow on Twitter and one of them was finding something beautiful like a feather or a flower or a piece of lace and to staple it to a part of my body. My football Continue Reading →

Stapling my Vagina Shut

Buy a video of me stapling my vagina here | Buy a video of Mistress Stapling my vagina shut here This idea wasn’t entirely fabricated by my mind alone. I mean, of course, it wasn’t. But it’s also not like I, myself, personally stumbled upon this idea or saw a porn video. I had no idea people did this. When I found out, I thought it Continue Reading →