Naked Sunbathing

Naked Sunbathing

Dad: How’re you doing?
Me: It’s great, there’s the sea, I had ice cream, it’s so peaceful here, I could sunbathe naked in my garden so to speak.
Dad: So have you tried it yet?
Me: Nope, def not!

Xx Mila

Check out other spring entries for the Fun Theme Photo Meme.
Check out my other spring picture for this meme here.

12 Replies to “Naked Sunbathing”

  1. PurpleSole

    It is a glorious day to be naked so why not! It’s alright I won’t tell .

    I’m a freckled person and I hate mine, but yours look much better in the sun like that.

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Yes! I was kind of playing/joking with my dad, really, because I had been sunbathing naked (thatโ€™s the picture, hehe). Also I know he once went to a nudity camping so

      I get hating your freckles. I did too for years but Iโ€™ve come to appreciate them. You should too! And thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Posy Churchgate

    Oooh the freedom must be lovely – Love this!
    I have that sort of funny thing in my family too, my sister thinks I’m a total prude! Her daughter knows about my blog, so much eye rolling and suppressed giggling from me and my niece if sister starts!
    I think freckles are cute, but get that lots of people who have them dont love them.


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