
Content warning: depressive thoughts and shit

I want to jump out of a window and feel the pain of breaking a bone, and when my head hits the ground for my lights to go out. I want to stab my chest with the shattered glass and scream the pain away. I want to curl up into a ball and disappear.

How can someone like me belong here? I feel like I’m hurting and disappointing the people I’m around. I’m wasting time and space and never manage to find peace in my mind.

Words feel so utterly pointless now.

All I need is for it to stop.

It’s such a silly game, day in, day out.

Lies have taken over but that doesn’t make them any less real.

15 Replies to “Lies”

  1. David Proctor

    Curl up into a ball, hold on to yourself, protect your true core self! Breathe in your truth deeply. Breathe out your pain. Hold on to your self!

  2. pat c

    No you know about the lies that makes you a smart person who knows what going on and to move forward safely you are such a beautiful person lies do and can hurt but do not let you come down to a dangerous level so as you hurt yourself

  3. Never Waste a Dirty Mind

    Dear Mila,

    I am so sorry to hear that depression has taken hold of you. It sounds like it has a pretty firm grip this time. I know it may seem irrelevant when you are feeling like this, but you do have people who care about you, even if many are just anonymous voices on the web.

    I trust you will make it through this. I know you have your own kind of strength, and you have the techniques that you have fought so hard to learn to combat depression. So I think you are better armed than most. And through your own hard work. You can be proud of that.

    All the best as you fight your way through this,
    – Henrik

  4. Posy Churchgate

    Hey Mila,

    Please stay strong, try to filter out the good & positive stuff and push aside things you cannot control, that you suspect are twisted and distorted. You’ve done it before so you know you are strong, this will not beat you and you have so much to live for.

    Your readers love you and some of us to whom you have reached out and made a connection – we are really here for talking, sounding us out, grounding you.

    Life is very precious, don’t let the black dog drive you off the cliff.

    Posy xx

    • MLSlavePuppet Post author

      Thank you for taking the time to write this Posy. I didn’t expect to get all the comments I did on this post and it has made me feel rather cared for, which is helpful ❤️ ill try and hold on. Hope you’re holding up yourself too

  5. slave sindee

    my my Mila You are a strong wise woman. You see the lies and know they are which is why you can overcome them and live in the truth. Give yourself a big hug from all your readers who love you and adore you and most of all want the best for you.
    all the best as you fight your way out of this
    Peace N Love


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